Hanukkah Festivities
Hanukkah Celebrations Around Town
Long Island Mega Chanuukah Bask
Date: Sunday, December 2
Location: Nassau Collesium
Details: Kick off the Holiday on at Long Island Mega Chanukah Bash. This Jewish Heritage
Celebration features Yoni Z live in concert, an indoor carnival, Long Island Nets, kosher
stadium food, a half-time rabbis vs teens basketball game and on-court menorah lighting ceremony. Ticket prices range from $20 – $40; complete glatt kosher dinner box $10
Visit: megachanukah.com or call 516.596.8691 for more information
Temple Tikvah Chanukah Hanukkah Celebration
December 2 – December 10
Location: Temple Tikvah
3315 Hillside Ave
New Hyde Park, NY
Time: varies
Details: Family engagement Chanukah Program – Iron Chef (12/2)
Early Childhood Hanukkah Event (12/8 10AM – 12PM)
Religious School Chanukah Celebration (12/9 9:30AM – 12PM)
Menorah Lighting in Long Beach
Kennedy Plaza
Sunday, December 2 – Grand Menorah Lighting 6:00 – 7:00pm
Monday, December 3 – 6:00pm
Tuesday, December 4 – 6:00pm
Wednesday, December 5 – 6:00pm
Thursday, December 6 – 6:00pm
Friday, December 7 – 3:30pm
Saturday, December 8 – 6:00pm
Sunday, December 9 – 6:00pm
Celebrate Hanukkah with PJC at the Dolphin
Date: Sunday, December 2
Location: The Dolphin Bookshop, Port Washington, NY
Time: 11:00am
Notes: Join Rabbi Mendelson from Port Jewish Center for story time and a craft
Chanukkah Song & Story Time
Date: Wednesday, December 5
Location: The Dolphin Bookshop, Port Washington, NY
Time: 5:45pm – 6:30pm
Notes: Join the rabbis and cantors of RSNS for an evening of story and song
Hot cider and Linda’s latkes available
Free to all
Author Jane Zalkin will be doing book signings
Chanukah on Ice
Sponsored by the Chabad of the Beaches
Date: Sunday, December 9, 2018 from 3:30pm – 5:00pm & 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: Long Beach Ice Arena.
Notes: Ice skate to Chanukah music. Watch the sculpting and lighting of the Ice Menorah
Food available (pizza, latkes and a donut wall, mint chocolate gelt)
Face painting
$16 at the door per person or $80 per family
For more information call 516.889-2473.
Advance sign up is HIGHLY recommended to guarantee your skating time
Registration by November 30th
Skates and Dinner $12 person Dinner and Entry $8 person
$60 family (2 adults and 4 children)
At the Door
Skates and Dinner $16 person, Dinner and Entry $10 person
$80 family (2 adults and 4 children)
Missing something?
Where to Purchase Cloth Face Covers
If you’re looking to purchase cloth face masks we have a list of online sources selling them here!
Laura Prepon – A Raw and Honest Guide to Motherhood
A candid interview with Laura Prepon, author of “You and I, as Mothers: A Raw and Honest Guide to Motherhood,” which chronicles her struggles with postpartum anxiety and losing herself in motherhood.
Mommy in Quarantine
Kristina Gregory, CT based mom of two teenage boys, fell ill with Covid 19 in mid March. Learn about early symptoms and how her family coped while she was recovering.
Signs You’re Done Having Children
Deciding you’re finished having children may be just as difficult as deciding to have them. Read about some signs that may tell you you’re finished having children.
Coronavirus. We’ve all been hearing a lot about it—and seeing some pretty dramatic images and stats in the news—but what exactly is it, and how concerned should we be?
Baked Potato Bar – A Weeknight Dinner Idea!
Nothing is more stressful than trying to figure out what’s for dinner after a rough day. A new twist on a classic side can add a spark to the dinner table.
Sweet Valentine’s Day Ideas for Kids that are Sugar Free!
Looking for some cute Valentine’s Day ideas that don’t involve candy? Check out a few great ideas that won’t involve a trip to the dentist!
Valentine’s Day Craft Ideas
Searching for some creative and fun ways to celebrate Valentine’s with your little ones this year? Well, as a self-appointed Valentine’s Day representative and real life craft expert, Maria Provenzano has you VERY covered!
Leftover Halloween Candy Cookie Recipe
Lots of leftover Halloween candy and need something to do with it? Here’s a cookie recipe that will put those leftovers to good use!
Teal Pumpkin – Food Allergy Friendly Ideas for Halloween
Halloween may be exciting for kids, but for parents of children with food allergies, it’s downright frightening. Check out some teal-pumpkin friendly favors to keep the holiday safe and exciting for all!